If you are working on enhancing your research skills and methodology, you may have heard of the research onion. Have you ever wondered what is the research onion? So, do you know your answer? Fine, it doesn’t matter even if you do not know this term, because we are here to clear all your doubts. Did you know that marketing assignment help can help you with your paper and queries? Must be confused, right? No worries. You must know that the research onion model directs and organises the research process. Well, it works as a helpful tool for a researcher for writing a research onion essay.
But wait. Did you know this model can help you write a well-structured and straightforward method in your research? Well, the studies are well-planned, executed, and reported. In addition, the research onion is a useful framework that divides the research process into more workable stages.
So, you can think of it like peeling layers of an onion where each layer is a step of the research journey. This model helps guide researchers through every phase, from choosing a research approach to deciding how to analyse data. In research papers, the onion research model plays a key role by providing a clear structure. Well, it ensures every part of the study is thoroughly thought out and systematically executed.
What is Research Onion?
The Saunders research onion is a model developed by Saunders et al. in 2007, which breaks down the stages involved in developing a research project. You must know that Saunder research onion visualises the research process as a series of layers, each representing a different stage. Essentially, these “onion layers” offer a more detailed explanation of how research unfolds.
Well, it guides researchers through a logical progression as they design their methodology. You know that the research onion model has a specific benefit: it is flexible. That’s right; apply it to almost all kinds of research, and it can be very versatile among many fields (Bryman, 2012).
However, Saunders et al. (2012) highlight the idea that when the research onion framework is used, the starting point must be the outer layer and then work inwards. Well, each successive layer represents a deeper stage of the research process. Well, actually you can just think of it like peeling an onion: you can’t reach the inner layers without first removing the outer ones. This approach highlights the importance of following the right steps in order. Additionally, it ensures that each stage of the research is completed before moving on to the next.
Understanding the Layers of Saunders Onion Model
Did you know the research onion Saunders, introduced by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill in their book Research Methods for Business Students, helps guide students through the different stages of writing a dissertation? Well, it provides a clear structure for organising research methods. The Saunders research methods visually represent how various research elements can be explored to create a final research design. Furthermore, the Saunders onion research consists of these six major layers:
Philosophy in research refers to the underlying set of beliefs that guide how research is approached. Well, it often involves exploring questions of ontology and epistemology. Ontology deals with the nature and existence of the information being studied. For instance, asking how we understand and define it.
You must know that epistemology focuses on the types of information required for research and the ways to obtain reliable knowledge. So, in academic research, philosophical positions are commonly categorised into positivism and interpretivism.
Positivism assumes that knowledge is objective and independent of the researcher’s perspective. However, interpretivism suggests that individual perspectives shape how we perceive and understand reality. As a result, positivist studies tend to be more scientific and focused on testing hypotheses. Meanwhile, interpretivist research is usually qualitative and focused on understanding experiences and meanings.
Once a research philosophy is chosen, the next step in the Saunders et al research onion is to determine the appropriate approach. There are two approaches to the research onion model introduced, namely deduction and induction.
The deductive approach begins by formulating a clear hypothesis from existing literature and then tests whether such a hypothesis is true for given situations. Conversely, the inductive approach starts with observations of phenomena or data gathering to establish new theories based on the data obtained.
The next layer in the research onion by Saunders involves selecting the research strategy. According to the research onion framework, strategies are methods such as action research, experimental research, interviews, surveys, case studies, or even a systematic literature review. Meanwhile, the choice of strategy depends on the research goals and the kind of data necessary to answer research questions.
Choices of Methods
At this stage, the researcher must choose onion research methodology for data collection and analysis. The research onion presents three main options: mono-method, mixed-method, and multi-method.
For suppose, mono-method research involves using a single research method throughout the study. Compared to a mixed-method approach, two or more methods are used and often combined with both qualitative and quantitative methods, but a multi-method approach goes even further, taking into account more diverse research methods.
Time Horizons
Do you know that time horizon in research refers to the period over which the research is carried out? Well, these studies can then be classified either as cross-sectional or longitudinal studies. You need to know that the research time horizon of cross-sectional research analyses data collected at one time only, usually in surveys. However, in longitudinal research, data is gathered over a longer time period, whether over several months, years, or even decades to track changes and trends over time.
Data Collection and Analysis
The final layer in the research onion is selecting the onion methodology in data collection and analysis. It involves a decision whether to collect primary data, obtained first hand by a researcher or secondary data that other persons have collected.
If you are willing to work on your paper, you should know that researchers must also decide if they will apply qualitative or quantitative data due to their research objectives. The analysis of this data forms the backbone of the study as it contains the evidence needed to answer research questions.
Research Onion Methodology
While working on a research paper, researchers must understand that onion research develops multiple methodology onion types. However, each framework’s goal is typically based on the study’s objective. You must know that these are some Saunders onion foundations that need to be followed in research methodology:
S.No | Research Philosophy | Research Approach | Research Design | Type of Study |
1 | Positivism | Deductive | Quantitative | Survey, Experiment, Mono-method Quantitative Study |
2 | Interpretivism | Inductive | Qualitative | Case Studies, Action Research, Ethnographic, Phenomenological |
3 | Pragmatism | Deductive and Inductive | Mixed | Explanatory, Exploratory, Descriptive |
Quantitative Research
Quantitative research focuses on understanding patterns, causes, and how different variables are connected. So, it’s grounded in a positivist approach, which means it aims to test and validate hypotheses based on existing theories.
Moreover, these studies follow a deductive reasoning method, where researchers start with a theory and test it using data collected from a specific sample. You must know that one common type of quantitative research is explanatory research, which helps explain the statistical relationships between variables within the study’s scope (Seakran, 2003). In monomethod quantitative research, researchers use just one method to gather and analyse data.
Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is all about exploring processes, subjects, or phenomena in depth. This is the reason; it’s often driven by an interpretivist perspective. In this research approach, researchers seek a deeper understanding of the underlying factors at play.
Apart from that, types of qualitative research include ethnography, phenomenology, case studies, grounded theory, and action theory. These studies usually follow an inductive reasoning approach. For instance, researchers develop new theories based on observations and data analysis, rather than testing pre-existing ones.
Mixed Research
Mixed research combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. This approach is based on pragmatism, which allows researchers to develop flexible methodologies that can address the research problem effectively.
Additionally, it helps researchers to overcome the limitations of each approach. The research often follows a sequential process, starting with inductive reasoning (to understand the phenomenon) and then moving to deductive reasoning (to test the hypothesis based on the findings) (Creswell, 2007).
Final Thoughts
In this blog, we discussed multiple stages of onion research by Saunders et al. You must know that this research approach contains multiple stages where different research projects can be adapted. Meanwhile, you must know that Saunders’ onion research has been expounded. So, the most compelling model of its significance lies in its use.
If you are a student stuck with complicated research and don’t know what onion research is or how to compile research on your own, you can get assistance from this expert guide. Apart from this guide, a professional can also help you with your research work.